Drug Offenses
The “War on Drugs” has evolved over time. Several years ago, the criminal justice system shifted from taking a hard line approach on drug offenses to focusing more on rehabilitation. However, due to the recent increase in prescription drug abuse and heroin addiction, there has been another shift in the landscape of drug enforcement. The reason is simple: the number of deaths on account of prescription drug abuse and heroin use has increased dramatically. As a result, law enforcement is once again taking a more aggressive approach on drug cases and has stepped up their efforts to arrest not only drug dealers, but also drug users. This often results in people who are addicted to controlled substances getting caught up in the dangerous world of drug dealing by agreeing to become confidential informants for the police. More times than not, confidential informants do not realize what they are getting themselves into and oftentimes are shocked when law enforcement does not live up to their end of the bargain.
Defending drug cases properly takes skill, experience, and good judgment. The issue of whether someone possessed illegal drugs is usually not the question. The question usually revolves around what to do once someone is caught by the police. The defense attorneys of Kim & LaVoy, S.C.know how to properly assess drug cases and have helped hundreds of clients facing drug charges. Our approach is twofold: 1) Help clients manage the legal issues related to their criminal case; and 2) Do everything we can to help our clients resolve any addiction issues so they don’t find themselves in the same situation again in the future.
When we work on drug cases, we begin by assessing whether the police legally obtained evidence in the first place. We help clients determine whether it would be helpful or necessary to work with law enforcement, and then we lay out all options for our clients. We also assess whether someone needs to be in substance abuse counseling. The health and well-being of our clients is always our first priority.
As a former Assistant District Attorney who specialized in drug prosecutions, Julius Kim is extremely knowledgeable about the protocol, procedures, and practices utilized by the police in investigating drug crimes. Having trained police officers on how to investigate drug offenses, Attorney Kim is especially qualified and adept at pointing out their mistakes. Attorney Kim’s knowledge of drug cases provides a distinct advantage in defending drug offenses.